Our designs
Curved scissors to accompany you every day. These scissors with incredible Convex Blades will help you get a precise, powerful and fast cut.

The perfect teeth of these Chunkers allow you to work as fast as with straight scissors while keeping an interesting hold and masking cutting defects.

Excelling with different tools is one of our priorities! An ergonomic but atypical handle and a weight that defies all competition, this is why you should not miss such scissors.

The kind of technological challenge we love to set ourselves: taking Chunkers' teeth (editor's note: initially those of the 42-tooth Bumblebee), refining them as much as possible to finally create an ultra-performing sculptor with 66 teeth !

The kind of technological challenge we love to set ourselves: taking Chunkers' teeth (editor's note: initially those of the 42-tooth Bumblebee), refining them as much as possible to finally create an ultra-performing sculptor with 66 teeth !